Markus Lüttgen at Art Cologne 2017
April 26th – April 29th 2017
Hall 11.3 Booth A-014
“Public Hybrids” –
A booth curated by David Jablonowski
Markus Lüttgen is delighted to participate in Art Cologne 2017, where we will
present a carefully curated booth by David Jablonowski entitled “Public Hybrids”.
Reflecting the current state of Dutch sculpture in its poly-formal gradations, the
selected works by Marien Schouten, Jennifer Tee, Adriano Amaral, David
Jablonowski and Giulia Cenci highlight the omnipresent phenomena of copying in
artistic practice.
Questioning repetition and material matter through multiple forms of
interpolations of layers, the original source-materials and their meanings become
intertwined in a vivid play with hybridization. High-tech material like carbon,
perspex and resin that indicate labor-related working processes contrast aspects
of fluidity and the ephemeral nature of material present in the use of marble dust
or tulip leaves.
Distinct procedures of creation and perception are also shuffled together in order
to prompt different courses for association. Sculpture and it's forms, meanings
and construction processes seem to embark on a new search to position the redefined
significance of the material cycle. Hybridity analyzed as the key-motive
connecting sculptures, drawings and ceramics also features this ritual of
understanding material and form in its current state.
With kind support from the Mondriaan Fund - Amsterdam